5 TED Talks that will push you to become the best kind of entrepreneur

There are a lot of TED choices to choose from so it is easy to get overwhelmed and get confused. TED Talks are a collection of thousands of presentations from some of the most brilliant entrepreneurial minds and one of the best sources of inspiration you can find on the Internet.
There are a lot of TED choices to choose from so it is easy to get overwhelmed and get confused.
To make it easy, I have picked five videos that will help you become a better entrepreneur, and the best part? You can find them all on YouTube. Check them out below:
Richard Branson - Owner of Virgin Group Richard Branson - Owner of Virgin Group
(David Shankbone)

  • Seth Godin: How to Get Your Ideas to Spread - Godin is a marketing expert and in this talk, he dives deep into why the most unusual and out-of-the-box idea is often much more than one that is boring.
  • Tony Robbins: Why We Do What We Do - In this talk, Robbins, who is one of the most impactful and successful motivational speakers, explains what motivates people to take it upon themselves to take action. He shows people that success comes when you understand the emotions as well as needs of others.
  • Richard Branson: Life at 30,000 Feet - If you are having one of those days that everything seems to be going wrong, just take a 30-minute break and watch this video. You will have a completely different mindset and you will welcome the hard work and obstacles with open arms.

  • Elizabeth Gilbert: Success, Failure and the Drive to Keep Creating - Gilbert is a very successful author whose Eat, Pray, Love, book got on every bestseller list on the planet. Funny enough, she never considered writing another book after Eat, Pray, Love because she was scared of not living up to the same expectations. She overcame that fear by thinking back to her rejections prior to her success. This presentation will make you never want to give up on your dream and vision.
Tony Robbins  Tony Robbins

  • Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action - The TED Talk is more than five years old and it touches on one of the most important entrepreneurial topics - leadership. Sinek's talk challenges listeners to channel their inner rebel and not think and act like everyone else. Think of all the biggest companies of the last ten years and imagine where they would be without the leadership of their CEOs or founders.
There are many other ways to find stuff that will help you become a better entrepreneur but these TED Talks which I have listed above will work as a very good starting point. Happy Hunting!
