Undergraduate Business Summit !

About Undergraduate Business Summit
Undergraduate Business Summit (UBS) is designed by Business Law Academy (organisers of Canterbury Summer Camp) for undergraduates from tertiary institutions in Nigeria and abroad. UBS provides a platform for students from different schools to network, build new friendships and share experiences. UBS is a one week event packed summit that focuses on a variety of events and activities. Activities at the summit will be interesting, engaging and interactive. It will promote and project the strategies for becoming a future business leader. The summit will equip and enhance the personal and business development skills of our delegates towards increasing their prospects of having a successful career.
Registration fees cover
Summit Materials
Summit Activities
And are you Interested in 342? Three people to pay two people's summit fees for Undergraduate Business Summit in Tinapa Resort. Complimentary accommodation and feeding at the hotel. Call 09087800055 for details
